Monday, May 12, 2008

Boy Scout Overnight

Our first Boy Scout overnight went well.  The scouts were kept busy with activities at the museum before retiring to the Ship.  At 9am we set sail as we headed out the channel.  Scouts were given a chance to handle all the sails and steer through our maneuvers.  After a MOB drill we headed back in and the scouts spent the afternoon sanding and painting all of the benches and railings at the Museum.

Jim Schneider

P.S. I was trying to take a picture and this is what happened.  So heres a little video clip of us setting the sails in the channel.


Blogger Megan Blough said...

Hey guys!! I so enjoyed the video clip! I am so thrilled to see the sails going up and the boat looking good. I have to say I didn't for one minute envy you and seizing on the ratlines!! It was nice and warm here about the same time. I was probably on the beach. I do miss you all though and look forward to hearing how everything is going! I love you guys!!!!
Megan in Cape Town

May 12, 2008 at 1:31 PM  

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