Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ninety-three By Victor Hugo, Aline Delano

Ninety-three By Victor Hugo, Aline Delano: "go down to arrange them and in a few moments they were reduced to lint There was just sea enough to render this accident as complete as possible A tempest would have been weleome It might have upset the cannon and with its four wheels once in the air it could easily have been mastered Meanwhile the havoc increased There were even incisions and fractures in the masts that stood like pillars grounded firmly in the keel and piereing the several decks of the vessel The mizzen mast was split and even the main mast was damaged by the convulsive blows of the cannon The destruction of the battery still went on Ten out of the thirty pieces were useless The fractures in the side increased and the corvette began to leak The old passenger who had descended to the gun deck looked like one carved in stone as he stood"


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