Ninety-three By Victor Hugo, Aline Delano
Ninety-three By Victor Hugo, Aline Delano: "sharper or more rapid sounds The four wheels were passing and repassing over the dead bodies cutting and tearing them to pieces and the five corpses had become five trunks rolling hither and thither the heads seemed to cry out streams of blood flowed over the deck following the motion of the ship The ceiling damaged in several places had begun to give way The whole ship was filled with a dreadful tumult The captain who had rapidly recovered his self possession had given orders to throw down the hatchway all that could abate the rage and check the mad onslaught of this infuriated gun mattresses hammocks spare sails coils of rope the bags of the crew and bales of false assignats with which the corvette was laden that infamous stratagem of English origin being considered a fair trick in war But what availed these rags No one dared to"
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