Friday, December 26, 2008

Work session announcement

In only 15 weeks it will be time for the cover to come off and rerigging to begin!  So far this fall Wednesday and Saturday work sessions have been occupied with painting rigging, oiling blocks, and some minor rigging repairs.  After New Years we have to get busy and finish the painting and oiling.  Then we have to overhaul the windlass, make 3 dozen new hanks, and start painting and rerigging the yards.  Before you know it, it will be time to begin topman training in the Padnos.  In addition, there is plenty of work to do yet this winter on the gun carriage.   Other projects include deck repairs on the doghouse and in the crews’ quarters, relocating the reef combs on the main boom, releathering the gaff jaws, and making two new double blocks for the cannon tackle.  So, don’t hesitate to come out for the Wednesday evening and Saturday morning work sessions or the new  Thursday evening work session.


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