Tuesday, March 30, 2010

FW: Volunteer Connection

   Volunteer Connection

March 30, 2010



Greetings, Friends!


Museum Closed This Easter Weekend

Patti Montgomery, Business Director at the Maritime Museum, has announced that the Museum will be closed April 2-4, 2010 in observance of the Easter holiday.


The Last Night for the Museums This Coming Thursday, April 1st (no fooling) 

 Attention All MMM members.  April 1st, Thursday, is the last night you can eat out, support your local museums and see your friends.  In fact, invite a few friends to join us next Thursday at Phoenix Street Café, 523 Phoenix Road, South Haven, MI 49090.  It is opening to serve us as a special event.  They will be serving from 5 to 8pm.  Let’s see if we can fill the place twice over! See you there, Diane Schlanser


Electrical System

Anyone interested in assisting Captain Sikkema with preparing the vessel’s electrical system for the annual COI inspection, is invited to contact him at captain@michiganmaritimemuseum.org.


Ship’s Company Emergency Life Raft Training

All Ship’s Company Crew are encouraged to participate in the Emergency Life Raft Training on Friday, April 16, 2010 from 6-9 PM at the L.C. Mohr High School pool, 600 Elkenburg St., South Haven, MI  49090. This class will be taught by Jay Krissy, personal safety trainer from Total Marine Safety—Great Lakes of Chicago. To register, please email mstephens@michiganmaritimemuseum.org by April 12, 2010.


Michigan Charter Boat Association Reminder for Returning Crew

If you haven’t yet renewed your Michigan Charter Boat Association membership, you should take a few moments and renew today. Current members that fail to renew their membership by March 31 will be required to take another pre-employment drug test at their own expense. If you have any questions about the Friends Good Will drug pool, please contact mstephens@michganmaritimemuseum.org.


If you have renewed your MCBA membership, please provide the Museum with a copy of your 2010 membership card by April 15 for our records. Membership in a drug pool is required by the Coast Guard for all persons crewing aboard the vessel.


Upcoming Summer Voyages for Ship’s Company Crew…

Tentative Voyage Leg Dates:


Green Bay—August 8-13 and August 13-18

Chicago—August 23-27 and August 27-31


  • Crew are to report on deck at noon on the first day of each voyage leg in uniform.
  • Crew are expected to remain on duty until properly relieved by oncoming crew.


The Michigan Maritime Museum will be accepting requests for crew positions on these voyages until April 1 to facilitate crew scheduling and pre-planning for the upcoming season. Please email your request along with your current crew rating to mstephens@michiganmaritimemuseum.org if you are interested in crewing aboard the vessel during dockside tours and extended voyages this season. If you have any questions regarding crewing please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Mary Stephens at 269.637.8078.


The Michigan Maritime Museum’s requirements for all Ship’s Company to serve as crew include the following criteria:

  1. Current Museum Membership
  2. Successfully passing a 5-panel pre-employment drug test
  3. Current Michigan Charter Boat Association Membership Card on file
  4. Completion of the Basic Seamanship Sail Training  Classes I, II, and III
  5. Completed emergency contact form on file(attached)
  6. Proof of current First Aid and CPR training


Get Your Rig On…

Nathan Haggar supplies bosun knives, spikes, and fids to the Ship’s Company. Knives are $45, spikes are $20, and fids are $15.

If you are interested, please contact Nathan at 269.236.5278

Catch Nathan at a Wednesday night work session in March and have him sharpen your knife.


Custom Made Leather Sheaths…

Marcia Flynn is happy to make a leather sheath for anyone needing one for their knife, spike and/or fid. Prices start at $50.00. Call Marcia at 616.901.2018 or email her at marciaflynn@att.net.


Ship’s Company Crew Documents Needed by April 15

The Maritime Museum is required to have the following documentation on record for each person desiring to serve as crew aboard Friends Good Will in the 2010 season:


  1. Current Museum membership
  2. 2010 Michigan Charter Boat Association Membership Card
  3. Current first Aid and CPR certification


If you have not done so already, please email, fax, or mail in your documentation to the Volunteer Coordinator by April 15, 2010, in order for us to prepare for the annual COI. If you have any questions, please email mstephens@michiganmaritimemuseum.org.


A Letter from Zach Scholz

“To all my friends and crewmates—thank you for an excellent two years working and sailing aboard the Friends Good Will. I have learned a lot in that but must move on to continue my career. Starting on Sunday, March 28th, I will be in the Bahamas working aboard the Liberty Clipper. I have created a blog with more info and to keep everyone up to date with what’s going on. Feel free to check it out, comment, and keep in touch. The address is www.tallshipzach.blogspot.com

Thanks again.” ~~Zach Scholz, Bosun, Liberty Clipper


Rigging Weekends…

Only eleven more days until…Uprigging!  Please mark April 10-11 and 17-18 as Rigging Weekends on your calendar and join us from 9 AM-5 PM. Lunch will be provided.


Friends Good Will Work Session Update:

Please note that there will not be a Friends Good Will Saturday morning work session on April 3 or a Friends Good Will Wednesday evening work session on April 7. See you for uprigging on April 10-11 and 17-18!


Upcoming Activities at the Museum:  

Date:                                                                                          Event:


Wednesday, March 31, 6-8 PM                                       FGW Work Session

Thursday, April 1, 5-8 PM                                               Night for the Museums at Phoenix Street Café

Saturday, April 3, 9 AM-4 PM                                                   TSCA Meeting


For the good of the cause,


Mary Stephens

Education & Volunteer Coordinator

Michigan Maritime Museum

260 Dyckman Avenue

South Haven, Michigan 49090

voice: 269.637.8078

fax: 269.637.1594










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