Michigan Maritime Museum
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 20, 2009
Present: Barbara Busch, Bob Copping, Arlene Dickerson, Charlotte Giesler, Bob Hoppes, Gary Horton, Pete Mathews, Jim Spurr
Teleconference: Cleo Miller, Mike Winkel
Absent: David Bergman, Janice Varney, Jim Woodruff
Guests: Judy Schlaack, David Ludwig, Mary Stephens, Jim Schneider, Matt Elder, Rich Venner, Allen Dickerson, David Bugge, Dick Brunvand, Diane Schlanser
Vice President Pete Mathews called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. Gary Horton made a motion, supported by Barb Busch, to accept the February minutes. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Hoppes reviewed three financial reports: (1) Statement of Revenue and Expenses, (2) a Department Summary [new report], and (3) the Balance Sheet [new report]. Although expected revenues were down, our expenses were reduced. We had two bequeaths and one major donation. Employee related expenses were down. Because of the restructure last fall Hoppes stated that a comparison of revenue and expenses will be more effective when we compare FY09 to FY10.
Motion by Dickerson, supported by Spurr, to accept the reports. Motion passed.
Captain Search Committee: Jim Spurr introduced the new ship’s captain, Matt Elder, to the board and gave some background history of his experience. Matt starts his duties on Monday, March 23rd.
Staff Reports:
David Ludwig: Store construction is on schedule. Michigan Works! has notified him that a source of labor, paid by the state, will be available June 6th. He will have a list of projects for them to do.
Mary Stephens: Zach Scholz has been hired for a temporary position as the interim administrative assistant. He will work until April 5th .
Judy Schlaack: Judy has been doing research in the mornings and working on labels for the small craft exhibit in the Akers gallery. All computers and software are up and running at the library. Leslie Bleil will do volunteer work at the library.
Standing Committee Reports:
Finance and Planning: Winkel reported that the committee is starting to think about a contingency plan.
Nominations: The nominations committee has recommended Jim Schneider to fill the unexpired vacancy through 2010. Motion by Bob Copping, supported by Jim Spurr, to have Schneider join the board. Motion passed. A slate of candidates for the board will be published in the Ship’s Lamp.
Library Collections & Facilities: Pete Mathews reported on the following:
1. Judy Schlaack’s hours. Request that Judy’s hours be increased to two days for the short term. Motion by Horton, supported by Hoppes, to increase her time. Motion passed.
2. Request to deaccession an empty Switlik Life raft canister that had been given to the museum. Depending on success, will look for a buyer, someplace to donate it, or throw it away. Motion by Spurr, supported by Horton, to deaccession it. Motion passed.
3. Fence project will require a permit from the city. Has quotes for 12-18 foot poles 8-10 inches in diameter which vary from $2200-$2800. Can buy 1 ½ inch nylon line for $1./ft. Has not found donors for materials yet but is still trying.
Friends Good Will: Spurr reported that the committee is looking for ways to diversify the revenue from FGW. Jim Schneider reported:
· MMM has a contract for the three day event at Port Washington August 17-19.
· A three day event at the Detroit Riverfest in June will bring in contract earnings pluss additional earnings from public sails. FGW will be out of port for two weeks for the trip. The plan is to set up a store on the dock to sell goods. The ship will be gone during Harborfest but the Wooden Boat Show will be held that weekend to fill the MMM campus.
· Exploring the possibility for a Canadian film company to use FGW for two days the beginning of May.
Membership: Arlene Dickerson will check the Keel Club list to verify the number of members. Membership renewal notices are being sent and she is trying to develop a way to recruit MMM members from boat slip rental boaters.
Retail Sales Committee: Rich Venner reported that the store will have a mid-May opening. He submitted his orders to Chris Sams and Jim Woodruff for revue. Approximately $15K will be needed to submit the order to 12-15 vendors. Will have $10K for products that are in demand. The committee will meet with Gwen DeBruyn and Sherry Getman for their participation.
Education Program Committee: Mary Stephens is working on recruiting volunteers for her docent program.
Ad Hoc Committee Reports:
Human Resources Committee: Miller reported that her choice for the administrative position rescinded their application to continue work at Whirlpool. She will have a recommendation in place by April 5th . Zach Scholz is filling the position on a temporary basis until then.
Communications and Marketing: Gary Horton reported that the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor’s Bureau are willing to share the cost of a billboard advertising South Haven. An image of FGW will be used with the location on I-94 near Stevensville. It will be lit until midnight.
Press releases are being timed so that they are not released in a cluster. This keeps the museum and its activities in the public awareness on a consistent basis.
Important Dates to Remember !
May 12th The Visitor’s Bureau will be hosting the area innkeepers and press. They will meet at 2 p.m. on the MMM campus for either a sail on the FGW or a kayak trip on the river. At 4 p.m. they will meet back at MMM for wine and cheese. This is an excellent opportunity for the museum to make contact with the innkeepers and provide them with brochures. Trustees attendance is encouraged.
May 21st MMM will be hosting the Chamber of Commerce After Business Hours. Dickerson and Busch will provide the appetizers. Suggested prizes for a drawing were: 1st – two tickets on FGW, 2nd – a one year membership, and 3rd a gift certificate to the museum store.
Articles for the Ship’s Lamp need to be emailed to Horton by April 15th.
In May of 2010, the S.H. Art Center will display museum artwork. Reproductions will be for sale there and the center will keep 30% of the profits.
Al Dickerson will contact Al Rupert about doing the museum display in Clementine’s window.
It was suggested that we use clubhouse bulletin boards at the boat docks for posters advertising our events.
The MMM should participate in the Fourth of July parade using either Little Belt or the Mackinaw. It’s free advertising for the museum.
Grants Committee:
Different possibilities were discussed about combining the Grants and Development Committee into one under the leadership of Varney and Copping for requests, grants, and donations. They would provide leadership. Development should be more structured and involve the whole board working together.
Dick Brunvand will get ideas from the business community on sponsorship of activities, the gallery opening, and a business sailing.
Old Business:
Summer Fund Raiser: Barb Busch discussed having a fish boil similar to last fall but with fund raising activities such as a raffle, silent auction, cork pull, etc. It would be held on Saturday, July 18th on the museum campus. The event is still in a pre-planning stage.
Classic Boat Show will be held on June 20th as part of the Harborfest festival. It will be headed by David Ludwig and Sandy Bryson.
New Business:
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting will be held on May 15th which is the scheduled date for the board meeting.
Requests must be made for donations of FGW complimentary tickets.
Visitors Comments: David Bugge stressed the importance of hiring an administrative assistant so that Mary Stephens could concentrate on the volunteer and educational programs. No other comments.
Motion by Horton, supported by Busch, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:43 p.m.
Next meeting: Friday, April 17th, 2 p.m. on museum campus
(edited for public release Z.S.)
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